Excel With Olympic Athlete Data for Winter Fun

Are you watching any of the 2022 Winter Olympics coverage? I hear the medal count reports on the morning radio, but that’s about all I’ve seen!

Back in 2010, the Winter Olympics were in Vancouver, Canada, so we watched lots of events that year. I downloaded some athlete bios that year, and had fun turning that data into pivot tables.

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How to Fix Problems With Excel Dates

Dates can be tricky in Excel, especially in December and January! In those months, you often have to type the year too, because Excel defaults to the current year.

There are other Excel date problems too, like dates where you can’t change the formatting, and dates for the GetPivotData function. Here’s a quick look at dealing with those date issues.

Fix Problems with Excel Dates
Fix Problems with Excel Dates

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Analyze Top Product Sales with Pivot Table % Running Total

In an Excel pivot table, you can use the % Running Total calculation, to show the current running total amount, divided by the grand total. For example, see what percentage of total sales come from the top 3 products.

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Excel Table Does Not Expand Automatically to Include New Data

If you notice that Excel tables don’t automatically expand on your computer, to include new data, there might be a problem with the Excel Option settings. See how to change those settings manually, or use a macro to make the change.

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Send Data to Different Sheets in Excel Based on Criteria

If you’ve got a long list of sales orders on an Excel worksheet, how can you send one sales rep’s orders to a different sheet? There are lots of creative ways to do that, but my favourite solution is to use an Excel Advanced Filter. Would you use that solution too, or something different? Continue reading “Send Data to Different Sheets in Excel Based on Criteria”

Choose Random Names From Excel List – Formulas No Macros

Do you ever need to choose random names from a list in Excel? Maybe your charity is picking winners for a raffle, or your blog is doing a giveaway, or you need “volunteers” for a special project at work. As long as you have a list of the names, or ticket numbers, or anything else, Excel can do a random draw for you.

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3 Ways to Create Excel Clustered Stacked Column Charts

In Excel, you can create a Stacked Column chart, or a Clustered Column chart, using the built-in chart options. There isn’t a Clustered Stacked Column chart type, but here are 3 ways to create one. There’s a video below, that shows the steps for one method.

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