Excel Roundup 20150223

The cover slide in this presentation, with its 3-D column and pie charts, led me to believe that the content wouldn’t be too useful. However, a different person must have prepared the remaining slides, because they have some useful tips.

The last slide shows that the content is from Mike Alexander’s book, Excel Dashboards & Reports for Dummies, which was published last year.

Contextures Posts

Here’s what I posted recently:

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

Other Excel Articles

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful.

  • On Microsoft’s Excel Team blog, Carl Kadie builds 3D graphics, and controls the rotation by typing a number in a worksheet cell. Download the sample file, to see how it works. And I agree with Carl’s conclusion – “If you want to understand something, make an Excel spreadsheet!”
  • Michael Nellessen shares 3 of his favourite Excel formulas, with examples of how to use them. I’d recommend typing your criteria in worksheet cells, and referring to those cells in the formula, instead of hardcoding the values.
  • A PhD student has calculated the optimal search path to find Waldo in a two page crowd scene. Is there a similar search path to find errors in a multi-sheet Excel file?

Excel Announcements

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.

Excel Summit

  • Amsterdam Excel Summit, April 13-15, 2015. Mark your calendar for April 13-15, so you can attend this amazing Excel event. Last year’s summit was an outstanding success, and registration will open soon, for this year’s event. Registration is now open, and you can click here to register.

Share Your Events and Articles

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/

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