Filter Pivot Table Source Data in Excel

When you’re analyzing data in an Excel pivot table, you might want to see the detail behind one of the numbers.

To extract the data, you can double-click a data cell and a new worksheet is created, with the related records.

This is a nice feature, but you’ll end up with extra sheets in your workbook, and will need to clean things up occasionally.

Filter the Source Data

If the pivot table source data is in the same workbook, you can use the following macro, written by Héctor Miguel Orozco Díaz. It filters the source data, based on the pivot items connected to the double-clicked cell.

For example, if you double-click the cell circled in screenshot below:


the source data is filtered for Class_A, Month_3, Store_1, Code_A cost.

This lets you focus on the detail records, without creating new worksheets.

filtered source data for pivot table
filtered source data for pivot table

Download the Sample File

Héctor’s code is shown on my Contextures site, and you can download the sample file to filter a pivot table’s source data.

There is also a sample file with a shorter version of the code.

21 thoughts on “Filter Pivot Table Source Data in Excel”

  1. Debra
    What a brilliant piece of coding by Héctor Miguel Orozco Díaz.
    Please pass on my congratulations to him for writing this code and for his willingness to share this code through your site.

    As a personal preference, I would like to be taken to the source data showing the filtered subset at the end of the routine, so I have added


    to the end of the main Sub in my copy.

  2. Hey,

    this is brilliant code. I’m trying to use this on a file I’ve created that has 7 different pivot tables from one raw data set. I’m not so good with macros, but I’ve tried to simply copy in all my pviot tables and then paste my source data in the middle of his data, but the code keeps giving me an error. Any idea no how I can tweak the code to get it to work for me?

  3. This code is exactly what I’ve been looking for, however I am unable to get it to work properly with my source data and pivot table. I keep getting a Runtime error ‘1004’: Application defined or object defined error at this line
    With .RowRange: Set rowsF = Intersect(rowsD, .Resize(, .Columns.Count – lblFlds)): End With

  4. Hi Tom
    Whilst I am not the author of the code, I would be happy to take a look and see if I can figure what is going wrong.
    Send me a copy of your file to
    roger at technology4u dot co dot uk
    Change the at and dots to make a valid email address


  5. I have used used this code. It is undoubtedly one of most brilliantly conceived code.
    The problem mentioned by Keri and Uri are correct and I also faced the similar problem. I just added
    On Error Resume Next
    and it appeared to work well. At least it shows some filtered data. But later on I found that this way it does not show the correct filtered data.
    On further analyzing i found that the code works perfectly when the data fields are placed as row heads but gives problem when the data fields are positioned as column heads.
    To make my self more clear, if suppose the pivot is summing on two values ie field1 and filed2. Pivot can show the sum either as row head in which case the two cells “sum of field1” and “Sum of field2” appear one over another. They can also be placed one besides another and “sum of field1” and “Sum of field2” appear as column head.
    The code works perfectly when the data fields are placed as row heads but gives problem when placed as column head. i am sure there is some small tweaking needed somewhere.
    I was also thinking of another direct line of approach to the problem but because of very limited knowledge of VBA i find my self handicapped. I find get it is possible to get the fields and their values through a GETPIVOT function and then using activecell.formula . After having found these values in one go I feel splitting the range etc ( which is the approach taken in the code) may not be needed. I am working on that but as already mentioned because of limited knowledge of VBA I am getting stuck at every step. But logically I am sure it can be done. May be some of you may give it a try.

  6. Dear All
    I am very happy to inform you that with little tweaking I have been able to make the code work.
    I have just added few line and made few changes and the code is working very fine. The entire code for PTCellFilterExcelDataSource is as follows. All other codes and instructions remain the same:
    Good luck
    S K Srivastava

    Sub PTCellFilterExcelDataSource()
    ' === and the procedure
    '(modified due to 2007 language issue) ===
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    On Error Resume Next   'added
    With ActiveSheet
      If .PivotTables.Count = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      Dim pt As Byte, Go4It As Boolean, rowL As String
      For pt = 1 To .PivotTables.Count
        If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, _
          .PivotTables(pt).DataBodyRange) _
            Is Nothing Then
          Go4It = True
          Exit For
        End If
      If Not Go4It Then
        Exit Sub
      End If
      rowL = Application.International(xlUpperCaseRowLetter)
      Dim srcData As String, xSht As String, xRng As String
      Dim srcTitles As String, cpFilter As String
      Dim Partial As Byte, Totals As Byte, Zone As Byte
      Dim nXT As Integer, nXT2 As Integer
      Dim pgFlds As Integer, colFlds As Integer
      Dim lblFlds As Integer, rowFlds As Integer
      Dim dataFlds As Integer, nRows As Integer
      Dim nCols As Integer
      Dim pTFld As PivotField, dataCols As Range
      Dim colsP As Range
      Dim rowsF As Range, rowsD As Range
      Dim xCell As Range, cellsD As Range
      Dim cellsPC As Range, cellsPR As Range
      Dim cellsPX As Range, cellsTC As Range
      Dim cellsTR As Range, cellsTCX As Range
      Dim cellsTRX As Range
      With .PivotTables(pt)
        srcData = .PivotCache.SourceData
        xSht = IIf(InStr(srcData, "!") > 0, _
          Application.Substitute(Left(srcData, _
          InStr(srcData, "!") - 1), "'", ""), _
        With Application
          xRng = .ConvertFormula(.Substitute( _
            Mid(srcData, InStr(srcData, "!") + 1), _
            rowL, "R"), xlR1C1, xlA1)
        End With
        srcTitles = Range(xRng).Resize(1).Address
        pgFlds = .PageFields.Count
        colFlds = .ColumnFields.Count
        lblFlds = .DataLabelRange.Columns.Count
        rowFlds = .RowFields.Count - lblFlds
        dataFlds = .DataFields.Count
        If rowFlds > 1 Then
          Partial = 1
        End If
        If colFlds > 1 Then
          Partial = Partial + 2
        End If
        If .RowGrand Then
          Totals = 1
        End If
        If .ColumnGrand Then
          Totals = Totals + 2
        End If
        With .ColumnRange
          For Each xCell In .Offset(.Rows.Count - 1) _
            .Resize(1, .Columns.Count + (Totals > 1))
            If Application.CountIf(Worksheets(xSht) _
              .Range(xRng), xCell) > 0 Then
              Set dataCols = Union(IIf(dataCols Is Nothing, _
                xCell, dataCols), xCell)
              Set colsP = Union(IIf(colsP Is Nothing, _
                xCell, colsP), xCell)
            End If
        End With
        For Each pTFld In .DataFields
          Set rowsD = Union(pTFld.DataRange.EntireRow, _
              IIf(rowsD Is Nothing, pTFld.DataRange _
                .EntireRow, rowsD))
        With .RowRange
          Set rowsF = Intersect(rowsD, .Resize(, _
            .Columns.Count - lblFlds))
        End With
        Set cellsD = Intersect(rowsD, dataCols.EntireColumn)
        If Partial > 1 Then
          Set cellsPC = Intersect(rowsD, colsP.EntireColumn)
        End If
        With .DataBodyRange.Resize(.DataBodyRange _
          .Rows.Count + ((Totals \ 2 = 1) * dataFlds))
          If Partial \ 2 = 1 Then
            Set cellsPR = Slice(cellsD, Intersect( _
              .EntireRow, dataCols.EntireColumn))
          End If
          If Partial = 3 Then
            Set cellsPX = Slice(cellsPC, Intersect( _
              .EntireRow, colsP.EntireColumn))
          End If
        End With
        If Totals > 1 Then
          Set cellsTC = Intersect(rowsD, .ColumnRange.Offset _
            (.ColumnRange.Rows.Count - 1, _
              .ColumnRange.Columns.Count - 1) _
                .Resize(1, 1).EntireColumn)
        End If
        If Totals \ 2 = 1 Then
          Set cellsTR = Intersect(.DataBodyRange.Offset _
            (.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count - dataFlds) _
              .Resize(dataFlds), _
        End If
        If Totals = 3 Then
          If Not cellsPR Is Nothing Then
            Set cellsTCX = Intersect(cellsPR.EntireRow, _
          End If
        End If
        If Totals = 3 Then
          If Not cellsPC Is Nothing Then
            Set cellsTRX = Intersect(cellsTR.EntireRow, _
          End If
        End If
        If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsD) Is Nothing Then
          Zone = 1
        End If
        If Not cellsPC Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsPC) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 2
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsPR Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsPR) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 3
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsPX Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsPX) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 4
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsTC Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsTC) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 5
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsTR Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsTR) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 6
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsTCX Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsTCX) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 7
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsTRX Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsTRX) Is Nothing Then
            Zone = 8
          End If
        End If
        If Not cellsTR Is Nothing And Not cellsTC Is Nothing Then
          If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, cellsTR.EntireRow, _
            cellsTC.EntireColumn) Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "ActiveCell is @ the Bottom-Right" _
              & " End of Pivot Table !!!"
            GoTo Done ' Zone = 9 '
          End If
        End If
        If Worksheets(xSht).AutoFilterMode Then
          Worksheets(xSht).AutoFilterMode = False
        End If
        If pgFlds = 0 Then
          GoTo NoPages
        End If
        For nXT = 1 To pgFlds
          With .PageFields(nXT)
            cpFilter = .CurrentPage
            If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
              GoTo SkipLoop
              cpFilter = "(All)"
            End If
            For nXT2 = 1 To .PivotItems.Count
              If .CurrentPage = .PivotItems(nXT2) Then
                cpFilter = .PivotItems(nXT2)
                Exit For
              End If
            If cpFilter <> "(All)" Then
              Worksheets(xSht).Range(xRng).AutoFilter Field:= _
               Application.Match(.Name, _
                Worksheets(xSht).Range(srcTitles), 0), _
            End If
          End With
        Select Case Zone:
          Case 1, 2, 5
            nRows = rowFlds
        End Select
        Select Case Zone
          Case 1, 3, 6
            nCols = colFlds
        End Select
        Select Case Zone
          Case 3, 4, 7
            nRows = rowFlds - 1
        End Select
        Select Case Zone
          Case 2, 4, 8
            nCols = colFlds - 1
        End Select
        For nXT = 1 To nRows + 4   ' 4 added
          With Cells(ActiveCell.Row, .RowRange.Cells(1) _
            .Column).Offset(, -1 + nXT)
            Worksheets(xSht).Range(xRng).AutoFilter Field:= _
              Application.Match(.PivotField.Name, _
                Worksheets(xSht).Range(srcTitles), 0), _
          End With
        For nXT = 1 To nCols + 4  ' 4 added
          With Cells(.ColumnRange.Cells(1).Row, _
            Worksheets(xSht).Range(xRng).AutoFilter Field:= _
              Application.Match(.PivotField.Name, _
                Worksheets(xSht).Range(srcTitles), 0), _
          End With
      End With
    End With
    Sheets(xSht).Activate   ' added
    Set cellsTRX = Nothing
    Set cellsTCX = Nothing
    Set cellsTR = Nothing
    Set cellsTC = Nothing
    Set cellsPX = Nothing
    Set cellsPR = Nothing
    Set cellsPC = Nothing
    Set cellsD = Nothing
    Set rowsD = Nothing
    Set rowsF = Nothing
    Set colsP = Nothing
    Set dataCols = Nothing
    End Sub
  7. This is absolutely wonderful. It is a shame Excel doesn’t come with this functionality built in. For years I have been using the following macros as a work around to add a ‘DELETE’ button every time a new page is created because I am double clicking on pivot tables all day long and I can easily add a 100 new pages in a day to a single spreadsheet. This little trick makes it so much easier to deal with them.
    Add the following code to the “This Workbook” module under Microsoft Excel objects;

    Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
    ' this macro creates a small “Delete Sheet” button
    'at the top of the page every time a new sheet is created.
    'Coordinates for the button represent the number of pixels:
    '(how far right, how far down down, button width, button height)
      ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(439, , 40, 10).Select
      ' this links the button to the “delete sheet”  macro
      Selection.OnAction = "delete_sheet"
      'label for the button
      Selection.Characters.Text = "DELETE SHEET"
      'size 5 font fits the button size specified above,
      'alter to suit
      Selection.Font.Size = 5
      '=RED text for the label
      Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
          With Selection
          'prevents button from being moved or resized
          .Placement = xlFreeFloating
          .AutoSize = False
    End With
    'I also add the following 3 lines to
    ' activate freeze panes every time a new
    ' sheet is created so that the button
    ' (and any column labels in row1) are always
    ' visible even if page down is pressed many times
        Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 25.5
        ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    End Sub

    Then add the following macro to a regular module in the workbook

        'stops the annoying
         '"Are you sure you want to delete
         '  this sheet?” dialog
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub

    I actually have a whole suite of buttons that pop up with links to my favourite macros every time a sheet is added to a workbook. “Email this Page”, “Center Across” etc. They really save a lot of time.

  8. Thanks to both H Diaz and S Srivastava for superb contributions!
    I’ve been searching for exactly this function.
    In order to get it work I had to make two changes, using Srivastava’s version:
    1. The phrase:
    If cpFilter "(All)" Then
    generates a syntax error and should read:
    If cpFilter <> "(All)" Then
    2. I added a refresh of the pivot table source, which in my case is a table:
    For a normal range, this code may do the same:

    1. @Mike.
      I am glad that my contribution helped you.
      It appears that you have been successful in making the code work for table source or listobject also. I am trying it for quite some time but have not been able to get it work so far. I request you to kindly post the code that works for table source or listobject . If there is some code that is generic and works for both named range and table then it is even better.
      @ Debra page says that
      If your Excel pivot table source data is a list in the same workbook as the Excel pivot table, you can use the following macro, written by Héctor Miguel Orozco Díaz.
      But the attached sample file does not appear to be doing so. Request you to please verify and post the correct sample file.

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