Macro Creates Excel Workbooks For Entire Year

Roger Govier has created an Excel file with a macro that will set up a year’s worth of workbooks for you, at the click of a button.

It might not be the ideal workbook setup, but some people need to set these up, and this macro will certainly make the task easier.

Macro Creates Monthly Workbooks

This macro will create a series of 12 workbooks in the same folder as this workbook is stored.

You’ll be prompted to enter the year number at the beginning of the macro.

Each new workbook will be named with month and year e.g. Jan 2009.xls through Dec 2009.xls

Daily Sheets Each Month

Within each workbook, there will be a sheet for each day of the month.

There’s an option to display the numbers as ordinals, so if you click Yes for that, the sheet names would be Jan 1st, Jan 2nd and so on.

Monthly Workbook with Daily Sheets
Monthly Workbook with Daily Sheets

Get the Sample File

To download the Excel file, and to see the written steps, you can go to the Create Workbooks and Worksheets page on my Contextures site.

The zipped file contains a macro, so be sure to unblock them in Windows Explorer, before you open them.

After you open the file, enable macros, when the security message appears.
