How to Add Emojis in Excel Worksheets

In the old days, we typed emoticons in our messages, to show a grin, or wink, etc. Now we use emojis online, and I finally learned how to add emojis in Excel too. Thanks to Wyn Hopkins who showed me this trick – my worksheets will never be the same! Also, thanks to Duncan Williamson, who shared a Sparklines trick.

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Preview Picture Problems in Excel

In the good old days of Excel, you could change a workbook setting, and see a preview picture of the file contents, before you opened it. That feature was available in Excel’s Open window, but has disappeared in newer versions of Excel. Here’s how to see Preview Pictures, and a warning about using them.

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Confusing Options on Excel Status Bar

The Excel Status Bar shows you messages about what’s going on, while you work. Some of those messages are optional, and you can turn them on or off. Here’s how you can customize the Excel Status Bar, and see my notes on a couple of the options that were confusing.

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