Select Cell Items From ListBox

I’ve posted a few techniques for selecting multiple items from the drop down list in a cell. In the screen shot below, there is a drop down list in cell C3. When you select an item from the list, it’s added to the cell, instead of overwriting the previously selected value. Now, instead of a cell drop down, here’s how to select cell items from ListBox.

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Multiple Selection Drop Down With Codes

There is a sample file on my website that has VBA code for selecting multiple items from a data validation drop down list. You can insert all the selected items into the active cell, or down the adjacent column, or across a row. Today’s example shows how to make a multiple selection drop down with codes

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Add New Items to Data Validation Combo Box

There are a few versions of the data validation combo box technique on my website. The files use programming to make a combo box appear when you click, or double-click, on a cell that has a drop down list. The latest version shows how to add new items to data validation combo box lists.

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Remove Used Items in Excel Drop Down

There is a new sample file on my Contextures web site, which lets you pick players for each inning in a baseball game.

You could tweak the file a bit, and use it to assign employees to workstations each day of the week, or anything similar.

After assigning employees, remove used items in Excel drop down list, to prevent them from being assigned twice.

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Block Changes in Excel Drop Down List

Happy Halloween! It’s the day for tricks and treats, so here is a useful trick that you can use with your drop down lists.

We’ll block changes in Excel drop down list cells, and that could prevent your worksheet’s data from turning into a nightmare!

block changes in first drop down list

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Dependent Drop Down List From a Row

There is a sample file on my Contextures site, which creates dependent drop down lists from items that are sorted in columns. You can see the lists in the screen shot below. On the data entry sheet, you select a region from the first drop down, and only the customers in that region appear in the second drop down.

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Conditional Drop Down Lists in Excel

It’s fairly easy to make one drop down list show items based on what was selected in another drop down. But what about making a third drop down list? And how can you work with spaces, or other characters that can’t be used in Excel names?

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