Football Fun in Excel

This Sunday is Super Bowl XLIX – the last one that will start with “XL”.  Next year, it will be Super Bowl L – that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue!

In 2011, I showed how you can use the ROMAN function in Excel, to change a number into a Roman numeral. That year, they were playing for the 45th time, which was XLV.



Other Football Functions

There are other Excel functions that sound like they could be used in a football game. Here are a few, and I’m sure you can think of others:


Okay, that last one was a bit of a stretch, but I’ll allow it. What functions did I miss?

Close Football Games

While you wait for the game to start, you can look back at some historic games, with the data that Kevin Lehrbass compiled in an Excel file. You can download Kevin’s workbook, which contains enough data to entertain you for a couple of days, while you try to decide which was the closest game.

Did Kevin think of all the factors that make a football game close, and exciting to watch?

You can even select a couple of Super Bowls, and compare them. Have fun, and enjoy Sunday’s game!



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